Markku Meriläinen
Markku has more than 40 years experience in the mining industry. Mining expertise include working as a mine geologist, project geologist, chief mine geologist in several underground and open pit mines in Finland, Sweden and Chile. The work experience consists of management of geological activities, verification of sampling techniques and data bases, evaluation and assessment work regarding possible new mining projects, execution of estimations of mineral resources and ore reserves for mines internal use and for feasibility studies.
For the last 20 years before retirement Markku has worked in Project Evaluation Group of Outokumpu and Outotec valuating annually the economical viability based on tens of exploration, project development and mining projects. A very interesting project in Outotec, involved developing a sensor-based sorting system for orogenic gold ores and rank the most amenable Au deposit for sorting.
The long work experience in operating mines and working in project evaluation groups has facilitated the working competence as Competent Person, with many different mineralization and ore types: VMS, IOCG, porphyry copper (Cu, Cu-Mo, Cu-Mo-Au; oxide- supergene-hypogene), komatiite-layered Ni-deposits, Cr-deposits (layered-bodiform), Orogenig Au deposits, PGE deposits, magnetite-V deposits, Fe-Ti deposits, sedimentary Cu, Zn-Pb deposits (sulphides-oxides), Ni-Zn-Cu black schist deposit, phosphorite-phosphate rocks, carbonatite deposits(hard- laterite), talck deposit, spodumene pegmatite and dimension stones.
Since retiring, Markku has worked as a private consultant in several projects; cooperating with mine and project personnel in mineral resources, mineral reserve studies and validating projects. The main projects have been in Finland and in Brazil.
Markku is a member of AusIMM and a Competent person according to JORC rules.
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