X3 Senior Advisors Group offers a wide range of business advisory services for the mining industry and associated stakeholders/partners such as mining contractors, suppliers, engineering houses and investors. Our broad team of senior experts cover most aspects of mining and mining processes and have a significant global network. By combining this experience and expertise on a new platform enables X3 Senior Advisors Group to work in an agile manner and to develop fast effective solutions for our clients in the global mining community.
The Company was founded in 2019, and is based in Finland but is multi-national in character and experience. It is owned by the management. We identified at an early stage that the vast pool of mining experience and expertise that exists in senior persons who are nearing or on retirement remains untapped. After extensive careers in mining our Team is motivated to continue to add value to the mining community.
We aspire to do this in a smart and efficient way using the latest technologies and not relying on traditional consulting ways of working. We exist to service global mining in niche areas of our expertise. We believe in providing excellence through our depth of knowledge and experience in our Team and through our global network of experts.
X3 Advisors is a new, exceptional service. I am very excited to be part of this new Team providing excellence through years of experience and quality expertise in the mining world. Each of our partners, consultants and associates bring into X3 Senior Advisors Group exceptional resumes across specific mining disciplines. Overall and together this Team is capable of rising up to master the challenges facing mining companies, contractors, technology suppliers, investors and engineering houses using an extraordinary approach.